Offerings & Rituals
Have an Offering or Ritual done on Your Behalf on Papa Hector’s Holy Altar
Offering Rituals can be done on your behalf to:
- Attract Luck and Success in Your Undertakings
- Get Help from the Divine
- Thank the Divine for help already received
- Balance and Alignment Spiritually

Offerings & Rituals
Candle/Flower Offering
Simple Offering of a Candle or Flowers for Spirit
Candle Petition
Simple Candle Petition to ask Spirit for Help
Dry Offering
Powerful Petition for Spirits Help. Used to make promises as well as thank spirits
Velada/Hora Santa
Ceremony used to Petition Spirit for Help and Assistance. Also used as a Thank You for Help Previously Given
Full Ceremony
Ceremony used to Petition Spirit for Help and Assistance. Also used as a Thank You for Help Previously Given
Full Ceremony with Drums
Most Powerful Ceremony to be offered to the Spirits for Help. Also offered as a Thank You for Major Work
Frequently Asked Questions
What's next?
Once you have submitted payment, email us which spirit you would like your offering made to. We will schedule and then make your offering on your behalf.
Do I have to do anything?
Usually no. However if any changes, we will email you to let you know any instructions.
I'm not sure which offering I should make, what do you suggest?
Email us at
We may be able to assist you in choosing the offering that best fits your needs.
Generally speaking, the more complex or complicated your situation is, the bigger the offering you will want to make.
I want to offer a ceremony, can I come in person?
Yes. Contact us at and we can schedule your ceremonial offering so that you can be there.